I think i first heard this phrase from Peter Pan, where he lives. It sounds warm, young and imaginative. Maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


It's quite amazing when someone I just thought about happens to come back into my live again, even for such a short time. Maybe just few words he/ she types to me sending via any ways make me feel like we turned back to the good old time we spent together. That makes me smile and his/ her figure in my memory glow brighter. To someone who never belonged to me, i hope I have a place in his memory too.

I bought an old model radio from the street last week and found so much memory in it. Even it's not exactly my old one, but the same model, the life in my younger days flushes through the sound it plays. It's not really disappear, even i never thought of any of them recently, when i find something reminds me of them, they just running back to me like my good old friends. This is quite amazing too. Also, they make me to realize how old i have got and how much i have been through.

To someone who wont belong to me in any which way, i hope there's something reminds you of me sometimes.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Well, half year has flown away

Can't believe another half year has passed. So many things happened, many new people to know, many streets to be wandered. These are where i have been:

Saturday, December 23, 2006

8 more days to 2007

It's been a while since the last post. Eventhough there have been so many things rushing through my life. Tonite im feeling like to talk about it a bit.

I made a few trips lately and was glad i did it. I collected thoughts and ideas, which i came up along the way, just hopefully for my new book, or at least a short story. So long that I didnt write anything i assume worthy enough. It might be too long that I somehow lose the sense of plotting and writing. Im feeling bad right now and trying to come up with a new concept and work on it. There're so many scattering pieces I wanna tell the world.

Only 8 days left this year. Im making a todo list for the coming week, the last week of 2006. Might sound too late to do something that i have neglected to do during the year; however, at least i start doing something now. Hopefully there is a consequence.

Here're some pics from the trip. Like addicted to traveling, im longing for more and more trips next year.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wandering around the town

In one fine afternoon, my freind called and asked me out to wander around the town with his new camera. I said yes and took mine. Im glad i did so. Here're what we saw in that wonderful afternoon.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pai In Feb

It's been about three moths since i visited Pai, a lovely small town where time seems to be frozen. I did nothing but laid by the river with my books.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Otherside of the Windows

It was a hot hot Tuesday afternoon. I was daydreaming and there was a bang at the window. Two guys slowly lower themselves to my floor's level like they were SWAT team.

I think that's quite risky to have just 2 strings of rope hanging them from above. They were so amazing though, working skillfully out there. I admire them and hope they have better quality of safety system for their career.

Such a beautiful moment watchng they worked.